Ukraine - the geografical center of Europe
18.01.2011, Tuesday
12:17:17 GMT+2
1 EUR = 10.57 UAH

Useful Information

Holidays in Ukraine:

1 January - New year
January 7 - Christmas
March 8 - an International feminine day
1 May - an International day of the labor
9 May - a Day of the Victory
June 28 - a Day to Constitutions August
24  August-  Independence Day

Useful telephone numbers (in Kyiv):

101 - A Fireman inspection
102 -  Police
103 -  Ambulance
001 – Weather forecast
060 - Reference local time
09 -  Reference telephone number
206-33-22 -  Airplane tickets reservation
206-33-22 - Train tickets reservation
206-33-22 -  Reservation of hotels in Kiev (Kyiv) and Ukraine

Business hours

Official weekday working hours are 9am to 5pm or 10am to 6pm. Some banks close for the day at 4.30pm. Bigger shops, especially in Kiev, tend to stay open later, until 8pm or 9pm (Sunday closing is increasingly rare).

Most restaurants around the country are open from at least noon to 11pm, and times are not listed for individual eateries in this book unless they significantly diverge from these (where no times are listed for a restaurant, you can be sure they are open for at least lunch and dinner). Some cafeteria-style eateries and cafes open earlier, at 8am or 9am, and close at 6pm or 7pm.

Many places, especially government-run establishments, still close for lunch (1pm to 2pm or 2pm to 3pm). However, this is becoming slightly less common, especially in bigger cities.

Museum hours are typically from 9am to 5pm or 6pm, but they vary, and there are always one or two days a week when museums are closed. Occasionally, they close for cleaning sometime during the last week of each month, but this is very rare these days.

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